Rotation of 195 t press on
bogie construction
The process of installing a press at the ZF plant in Schweinfurt proved a particularly tough undertaking, especially during the AutoCAD planning phase when it became apparent that the press frame for the lifting process the into the pit had to be turned on the spot due to lack of space. Thus it became necessary for us to construct a bogie with a load capacity of 800 t. By means of a hydraulic gantry the press was raised to an upright position and lowered on the bogie ahead of the pit. A combined working force of only 3 persons (!) then rotated the 195 t heavy press 90 degrees into position “by hand”. Not until this task had been accomplished was it possible to lift and lower the component into the press pit.
Hoffmann Spezialtransporte • Am Erlenwald 14 • 09128 Chemnitz • Fax: 0371 - 772 012 • Fon: 0371 - 724 032 •